Horry and DaisyJust me went to Bisham. Horry was blind, he had ulcerated eyes. He was in Moorfields Eye Hospital; they used to scrape his eye.
When my sister Joyce died, he was in a convalescent home for people with bad eyes. My mum and dad were up the hospital with Joyce, and as she died she called out my brother’s name; mum and dad went to home to tell him and his eyes were cured. My mum always said that cured his eyes.

The way he was blind I done it. We were playing and I picked up a handkerchief to go across his legs, and as I did he bent down and it went across his eyes.

Photo left – Daisy and Horry with his cap shielding his eyes. Daisy was aged about 10 years and Horry 7 years.


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